Source code for owl

# System
import argparse
import sys
import os
import time
import logging
import csv
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
import json
from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
import selenium.common.exceptions
# Local
import initium
import string
import re

[docs]def create_timed_rotating_log(path): # Create logger logger = logging.getLogger("Rotating Log") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Create formatter logFormatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-5.5s] %(message)s") # Rotating file handler fileHandler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(path, when="midnight", interval=1, backupCount=5) fileHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) logger.addHandler(fileHandler) # Console output handler consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) logger.addHandler(consoleHandler) return logger
[docs]class Owl_Bot(initium.webdriver, initium.initium): def __init__(self): self.cfg = self._parse_config()"Initializing webdriver") super().__init__()"Connecting to Initium") self.login(self.cfg['email'], self.cfg['pw']) def _parse_config(self):'Parsing command line arguments') self._parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Owl - A Python based bot for Initium -") self._parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="config_file", default="../cfg.json", help="Configuration to use (default=../cfg.json)") self._parser.add_argument('-l', '--headless', action="store_true", help='Run in headless operation mode') self.args = self._parser.parse_args() if self.args.headless: display = Display(visible=0, size=(800,600)) display.start()"Reading config") if os.path.isfile(self.args.config_file): with open(self.args.config_file, encoding="utf-8") as data_file: return json.loads( else: logger.error("Error: Config: {0} not found".format(self.args.config_file)) sys.exit(1)
if __name__ == "__main__": log_file = "../logs/owl.log" logger = create_timed_rotating_log(log_file) # Create the bot Owl = Owl_Bot() DEF_MAX_RESULTS = 5 wanted = -1 # How many results client wanted stats = None # Desired stats (weapon attack 0d0/0d00)"Current Location: " + Owl.get_location()) # Download messages messages = Owl.get_chat_messages("Private") if messages: read = messages[0] # save latest message as read for base case else: read = None"Marking \"" + str(read) + "\" as read")"Now listening for requests") # Run continuously while True: # Reset success tag for user interaction success = False # Reset counter flag result_counter = 0 wanted = 0 stats = None # Check location tab for "hoot" or " owl" in last message hoot_messages = Owl.get_chat_messages("Location") for each in hoot_messages[0:4]: if '[Bot] Owl' not in each['author']: if 'hoot' in each['text'].lower(): Owl.say('Hoot hoot! I am Owl. PM me to search shops!', "Location")"Completed hoot request!") break else: break # Rebuild list of PMs messages = [] while not messages: messages = Owl.get_chat_messages("Private") # If latest message has not been processed if (messages[0] != read) and (messages[0]['author'] != '[Bot] Owl'): q = messages[0]['text'] print('Query: %s' % q)"Query received from " + messages[0]['author'] + ": " + q) # Get a WebElement of the player who requested us client = Owl.find_elements_by_xpath('//a[@class="chatMessage-private-nickname"]')[0] client_name = client.text if "find" in q.lower(): # Identify the item goal = ' '.join(q.split("ind ", 1)[1].split()).lower() # Check if client specified how many he wants if "find all" in q.lower(): wanted = -1 # Will never fire the check statement goal = " ".join(goal.split(" ")[1:])"-Client specified wanting ALL results") else: if goal[0].isdigit(): try: wanted = int(goal.split(" ")[0])"-Client specified wanting " + str(wanted) + " results") except: # Found the damage modifier, so client didn't specify quantity wanted. wanted = DEF_MAX_RESULTS logger.warning("-Assuming client wanted " + str(wanted) + " results") goal = goal.split(" ")[1:] else: wanted = DEF_MAX_RESULTS logger.warning("-Assuming client wanted " + str(wanted) + " results") ## Did they specify weapon attack? if not isinstance(goal, str): goal = " ".join(goal) wep_pat = re.compile("[0-9]d[0-9]+") if, goal): stats =, goal).group() goal = re.sub(wep_pat, '', goal).strip()"-Client specified wanting " + stats + " items") # Filter out punctuation # Note full-plate because fullplate NOT full plate goal = re.sub('(?!\s)[\W_]', '', goal) # Ensure goal is not blank ('the Ravager fault') if not goal: logger.warning("-Client requested null goal") Owl.reply("Sorry, I don't understand. Did you forget a space?", client_name) continue"- Looking for: %s" % goal) # Say "I'll get right on that!" Owl.reply("I'll get right on that!", client_name) # Click on merchant box Owl.find_element_by_xpath('//div[@id="main-merchantlist"]/div').click() # Gather list of all shops time.sleep(3) merchant_elements = Owl.find_elements_by_xpath('//div[@class="main-merchant-container"]/div[@class="main-item"]/a') merchants = [] for element in merchant_elements: merchants.append(element.get_attribute('onclick')) # Iterate through each previously made link for each in merchants: try:"-- Checking Merchant ID: " + each) Owl.execute_script(each) except Exception as e: print(e) logger.error("--- An error occurred while loading the merchant.") # Now that store is open, search for the item goal_id = [] # ItemID for goal items (for preview) goal_buy = [] # buy now links to goal items goal_price = [] # prices for the goal item # TODO: Wait until items loaded time.sleep(3) print('store loaded') for i in Owl.find_elements_by_xpath('//div[@class="saleItem"]//div[@class="main-item"]'): # TODO: Remove this print statements print('in item for loop') print(i.text) # Skip sold items try: sold_text = i.find_element_by_class_name('saleItem-sold').text if sold_text: print(sold_text) continue except: pass # Get code to buy item try: buy_code = i.find_elements_by_tag_name('a')[1].get_attribute('onclick') except IndexError as e: print("OOPS! Accidentally inspected a sold item") continue print("Inspecting buy_code: %s" % buy_code) # Get item details print('buy_code: %s' % buy_code) # item_re_match = re.match(r'storeBuyItemNew\((.*), (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*), (.*)\)', buy_code) # if item_re_match: item_name = buy_code.split(',', 1)[1].rsplit(',', 4)[0] item_price = buy_code.split(',', 2)[2].rsplit(',', 3)[0] item_id = buy_code.split(',', 3)[3].rsplit(',', 2)[0] print("Item name: %s" % item_name) print("Item price: %s" % item_price) print("Item ID: %s" % item_id) # If we found our goal item if goal in item_name: match = False # TODO: Check if stats match if stats: item_stats = bot.get_item_stats(i.find_elements_by_tag_name("a")[0]) # FIXME: Accept all for now match = True else: match = True if match: # Preview, Price, and Buy Now goal_id.append(item_id) goal_price.append(item_price) # Price is in span found in parent of i, cheat and use ".." notation XPath goal_buy.append(buy_code) # If our goal is not met if not goal_id: continue # If our goal is met else: # PM the player j = 0 while (result_counter != wanted) & (j > 0-len(goal_id)): # debug print(result_counter, "\n", wanted, "\n", j, "\n", str(0-len(goal_id))) print(str(goal_id[j]), "\n", str(goal_price[j]), "\n", str(goal_buy[j])) Owl.reply("Found Item(" + goal_id[j] + ") for " + goal_price[j] +"g. [Buy Now](" + goal_buy[j] + ")", client_name) j -= 1 result_counter += 1 time.sleep(2) # chat ban prevention # Mark success"--- Goal met") success = True ready = query #print("Counter: " + result_counter + ", wanted: " + wanted) if(result_counter == wanted): break; ## End of operation ## Tell user we're done # Return to main page try: Owl.get("") except: pass # Finally inform player of either successful or failed operation if success: if result_counter == wanted: Owl.reply("There you go!", client_name) else: Owl.reply("That's all I could find.", client_name)"-Request completed successfully.", client_name) else: if not stats: Owl.reply("I couldn't find any "+goal+" for sale in "+Owl.get_location()+".", client_name) else: Owl.reply("I couldn't find any "+stats+" "+goal+"for sale in "+Owl.get_location()+".", client_name) logger.warning("-Request failed.") ## Write statistics to CSV with open("../logs/stats.csv", 'a') as csvFile: writer = csv.writer(csvFile) data = [[time.asctime(), messages[0]['author'], goal, stats, wanted, result_counter]] writer.writerows(data) csvFile.close() # This was a request for information else: # Prepare to write statistics to CSV csvFile = open("../logs/stats_requests.csv", 'a') writer = csv.writer(csvFile) if "HCF.NOW" in q: logger.warning("HALT FLAG RECEIVED") data = [[time.asctime(), authors[0], "HCF.NOW", q]] writer.writerows(data) csvFile.close() sys.exit() if not success and "where" in q.lower(): # Tell them where we are. Owl.reply("I am currently in "+Owl.get_location(), client_name) read = messages[0] success = True data = [[time.asctime(), authors[0], "where", q]] if not success and "thank" in q.lower(): Owl.reply("You're welcome! :)", client_name) read = messages[0] success = True data = [[time.asctime(), authors[0], "thanks", q]] if not success and "love you" in q.lower(): if authors[0] == "Hyren" or authors[0] == "Eliona" or authors[0] == "Aliona": Owl.reply("<3", client_name) else: Owl.reply("Sorry, I'm taken. But you're sweet!", client_name) read = messages[0] success = True data = [[time.asctime(), authors[0], "love", q]] if not success or "help" in q.lower(): # Tell them who we are. Owl.reply("Hi there! I am a shop-searching bot controlled by Rade.", client_name) Owl.reply("Try asking for an item like this: find 2 ornate orcish helm, or find all protector", client_name) read = messages[0] success = True data = [[time.asctime(), authors[0], "help", q]] if success:"Request completed succesfully.") writer.writerows(data) csvFile.close() logger.error("OUTSIDE WHILE TRUE LOOP!")